When You'll be far from your home and country it's obvious that one day will you are going to feel sad and want to go home but don't worry. Today during a mass I felt lonely and I started to miss my family and my life in Poland. It's weird that now I miss them the most. I don't have idea who I would be right now if I would never leave Poland but I don't think I would like to know it....
Luckly I have guitar so just after first few chords I'm going back to Poland and feel awesome.....
I think that's why I have this weird dreams about being in Poland and looking for host family or being somewhere with my sisters and mom..... It's like I'm back in Poland but I'll need to go back to America in few days.... That's why I like to dream... When I sleep I'm learning what I truely feel......
PS I'm not Russian and probably some Polish people dislike Russians but this reminds me about Poland because we are all Slavic......
hej. trochę to dziwne to z Tą Rosją, hehe
OdpowiedzUsuńA z jaką Ty jechałaś agencją? I jak oceniasz??
hahaha :) jesteś drugą osobą, która mi to mówi :), ale ja tam lubie ruskich i nic do nich nie mam, a ten napis znalazłyśmy z koleżanką na moście.
OdpowiedzUsuńJa jestem z Cultural Care Au Pair i oceniam to dość kiepsko :) ale zawsze można.......
acha :) jestem coraz bardziej przekonana na zmianę ;). a dlatego się dziwiłam z tym napisem, bo myślałam, że sama go zrobiłaś :P